23/07/2022 thesaker.is  3min 🇬🇧 #212574

Shooting the messenger: Press Tv correspondent in Ukraine put on 'kill list'

From PressTV and recommended by Ramin Mazaheri


Press TV correspondent in Ukraine Johnny Miller says he has been placed on a "kill list" by Ukrainian ultranationalists following his revelations about Ukrainian atrocities against pro-Russian children and other civilians in the Donbas region.

Reporting from the war-torn country on Friday, Miller said that the neo-Nazi group wants him dead following his repeated reports about Ukrainian forces' violence in the east of the country.

In an interview with Press TV, Miller said that he was placed on the kill list after he sent a journalistic inquiry to the website that had published a kill list of hundreds of people.

"Actually I contacted the website for a statement, which is normal in journalistic standards, but they didn't reply to my statement... rather, they put me on the list," the correspondent said.

"It's clear that some parts of Ukrainian society [are] witnessing some kind of Kafkaesque nightmare, when a journalist does a legitimate story about a kill list and they put him on the same list," he added.

He warned that most of the people on the list, including a 13-year-old teenager who was interviewed by Miller, "have already been receiving threats of physical violence."

"There is no doubt that this list does promote violence, and the killing of anybody on that list," he noted, adding that there are "over 300 children" on that kill list right now.


Miller called on international organizations such as the UN to take down this list and said that it's so shocking that there is no pressure from such organizations.

"There should be more pressure from western countries to take down this list, [which is] promoting violence against children and journalists through an extremist behavior and ideology."

"The Ukrainian government has the power to take down this list; NATO countries have a huge influence over Ukraine, but it doesn't seem to be any pressure to take down this list at the moment," Miller said.

He said that in spite of Western media's supposition, there is a considerable degree of "extremism" in Ukraine, which he has been trying to highlight through the years.

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The development comes as a number of journalists have been killed in Ukraine after being put on the list.

Miller is famous for his revealing reports in the east of Ukraine since the Russian offensive started on Feb. 26.

In a damning report last month, Miller revealed that the Ukrainian army has been shelling civilians in the areas surrounding the Donetsk region, while accusing the Russian army of atrocities.

"The uncomfortable truth is that Ukraine is killing civilians, indeed its own civilians, as it has been doing so for the last eight years," said Miller, who traveled to the Petrovsky district near the frontline in Donetsk to investigate the incidents.

Back in May, the Russian army also confirmed that Ukraine's shelling killed and injured its civilians in the southern region of Kherson, pounding southern and eastern areas with missile strikes.

According to Russia's RIA news agency, Ukrainian missile strikes hit a school, kindergarten, and cemetery in the villages of Kyselivka and Shyroka Balka in the Kherson region in early May.
