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13/02/2025 francesoir.fr  4min #268740

« la liberté comme pilier essentiel pour préserver notre prospérité » debriefing avec le sénateur Ron Johnson


« la liberté comme pilier essentiel pour préserver notre prospérité » debriefing avec le sénateur Ron Johnson

Dans ce debriefing exclusif France-Soir, le sénateur Ron Johnson partage sa vision sur les bouleversements politiques et sociaux survenus depuis l'élection de Donald Trump à la présidence des États-Unis. En abordant des sujets allant de la politique intérieure à la scène internationale, il a mis en lumière des transformations majeures et des enjeux de taille pour l'avenir.

13/02/2025 journal-neo.su  7min #268739

Quand le terme »occident » devient finalement un stigmate, plus personne ne souhaite s'y identifier

Mohamed Lamine KABA,

Alors que l'hégémonie occidentale vacille, les dynamiques historiques se transforment et les nations du Sud s'affranchissent de leur emprise, initiant une nouvelle ère marquée par la résistance et la contestation. Quels sont les enjeux de ce soulèvement ? Quel futur attend l'Occident ?

Autrefois symbole de progrès et de leadership moral, l'Occident est désormais perçu comme une entité en déclin, rongée par ses contradictions internes.

13/02/2025 strategic-culture.su  7min 🇮🇹 #268737

Keep Trumpin'

Pepe Escobar

Ultimamente Trump ha fatto molte dichiarazioni di alto profilo, in particolare su Gaza e sull'Ucraina. Cosa succederà dopo?

Mr. Disco Inferno è tornato alla sua modalità predefinita di fare capricci su capricci perché quasi tutti in Asia occidentale e non solo stanno dicendo NO alla truffa del Gaza Riviera Resort and Casino.

Ecco un elenco parziale:

Egitto: i palestinesi non saranno sottoposti a pulizia etnica né qui, né in Giordania, né altrove.

13/02/2025 strategic-culture.su  5min 🇸🇹 #268736

O Fim da sincronização: Como o retorno de Donald Trump desafia a aliança transatlântica

Lucas Leiroz

Eleição do presidente republicano nos EUA cria problemas na integração transatlântica.

Escreva para nós: infostrategic-culture.su

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Com o retorno de Donald Trump à política americana, um novo capítulo se abre nas relações transatlânticas, especialmente no que diz respeito à prática de "sincronização de relógios" entre os Estados Unidos e seus aliados europeus.

13/02/2025 strategic-culture.su  6min 🇪🇸 #268735

Los medios queman a Lula en la hoguera del « mercado »

Eduardo Vasco

El "mercado" apunta un revólver a la cabeza de Lula y lo toma como rehén. Si no sigue su guión, cae.

Escríbenos: infostrategic-culture.su

La semana pasada, el presidente Lula concedió una entrevista de 45 minutos a radios bahianas, donde hizo muchas declaraciones impactantes. En particular, sobre el alto precio de los alimentos, afirmó que el pueblo está siendo extorsionado por los proveedores.

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  9min 🇬🇧 #268734

Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged An Apartheid State From River to Sea By Thomas Suárez

By Edward Curtin


February 13, 2025

Much has been written in the alternative press over the past year about the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians and its other war crimes in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc. This has often been viewed within the historical context of the self-declared Zionist Israeli state's founding in 1948 up to the present day. But far less has been said about the Zionist's racial-nationalist-settler-colonialist movement's history of terrorism to seize Palestine and kill and drive the Palestinians into exile that goes back for more than a century

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  4min 🇬🇧 #268732

Crimson Tide: Only One-Third of Harvard Students Feel Comfortable Speaking About Controversial Subjects

By Jonathan Turley

February 13, 2025

Harvard has long been accused of fostering an anti-free speech environment and quelching viewpoint diversity. That was the subject of my recent debate with Law Professor Randall Kennedy at Harvard. A new report confirms many of the objections raised in that debate, including a chilling environment where only a third of Harvard's most recent graduating class expressed comfort in discussing controversial subjects.

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  7min 🇬🇧 #268729

Age of Transparency: We Need Mass Surveillance of Governments Instead of Citizens

By Brandon Smith


February 13, 2025

In the wake of Donald Trump's return to the White House there has been an atmosphere of palpable panic among the usual suspects. Establishment bureaucrats are screaming bloody murder in aisles like spoiled toddlers at Walmart after being told they're not going to get whatever they want from the American taxpayer. These people are long overdue for a spanking and a nap.

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  5min 🇬🇧 #268728

You Suffer, We Get the Credit

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  27min 🇬🇧 #268727

The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk's Digital Coup

By Dr. Naomi Wolf

February 13, 2025

For a week, I've been savaged on X (which technologist Elon Musk, of course, co-owns), for urgently trying to warn people about what those few days in early February, 2025, when Elon Musk and five or six young engineers were alone with their devices plugged in to all our nation's data, may represent. These few days represent a Rubicon that can never now be un-crossed, during which data and IP (intellectual property) captivation may have made Musk (and the people with whom he now allies) more powerful than any President, including more powerful than President Trump; more powerful than any nation-state, more powerful than the WEF and the WHO, more powerful than any prime minister, and more powerful than any other CEO or leader of any other set of corporations.

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  8min 🇬🇧 #268726

A Fight to the Death Is Underway

By Paul Craig Roberts


February 13, 2025

Some people will regard my title as hyperbole. It is not. Trump, I believe, understands he is in a fight to the death. The American establishment tried to discredit and ruin him, to imprison him, to assassinate him. They stole his 2020 reelection from him. They tried to steal his NY properties. It is not possible for Trump to have illusions about what he is up against.

13/02/2025 lewrockwell.com  7min 🇬🇧 #268725

Is This Time Different?

By Jim Quinn

The Burning Platform

February 13, 2025

"We will not have any more crashes in our time." -John Maynard Keynes, leading British economist, in 1927

"Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break from present levels, such as (bears) have predicted. I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher within a few months." -Irving Fisher, Ph.D.