08/07/2022 lewrockwell.com  2 min 🇬🇧 #211751

Royaume-Uni : Boris Johnson annonce sa démission comme chef du parti conservateur

Marionette Theater: Bojo Resigns, as U.k. Searches for Next Globalist Puppet

By Jordan Schachtel
 The Dossier

July 8, 2022

I can't think of a single world leader who has done more damage to humanity, since 2019, than Boris Johnson. And yet, his reign of terror over a once great empire was not enough for the proponents of The Great Reset and Build Back Better agenda.

Johnson generated more COVID hysteria than any other world leader.

He pursued two full years of authoritarian rule, pursuing ruthless lockdowns, implementing vaccine passports, installing a surveillance state, and making a mockery of the unalienable rights of U.K. citizens.

He catered to every slogan and policy initiative of the World Economic Forum globalist mafia.

And still, the U.K. Prime Minister has been quickly relinquished of his marionette duties for not moving the levers of his country fast enough in the direction of global tyranny.

Having secured the prime minister role thanks to his Brexit leadership, Johnson quickly pivoted away from any semblance of a nationalist leader interested in protecting the rights of the British people. His tenure quickly became a relentless policy pursuit of selling out his own countrymen to a one-world, ESG-compliant, WEF-approved agenda.

After two years of depriving citizens of their basic liberties, Johnson summarized his agenda as "Building back greener, building back fairer, and building back more equal and, how shall I... in a more gender-neutral and perhaps more feminine way."

Johnson confirmed his exit Thursday morning. "It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader... and therefore a new prime minister," the British PM said.

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