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26/07/2024  4min #253511

 Ce que l'on sait de Kamala Harris

Obama, Gaza et le trend «brat» : ces trois «soutiens» qui boostent la campagne de Kamala Harris


La vice-présidente Kamala Harris, grande favorite du camp démocrate mais pas encore officiellement désignée, pour l'élection présidentielle.

L'ancien président des États-Unis Barack Obama (2009-2017) a annoncé ce 26 juillet son soutien à la candidature de la vice-présidente Kamala Harris, grande favorite du camp démocrate mais pas encore officiellement désignée, pour l'élection présidentielle de novembre.

26/07/2024  7min 🇬🇧 #253497

 Ce que l'on sait de Kamala Harris

Who is behind Kamala Harris? Her inner circle is tied to the corporate world


The centre of gravity in Democratic politics quaked on Sunday - and in a flash, everything changed. Barring an act of divine intervention, Kamala Harris will become the party's standard bearer in Chicago in less than a month's time.

Her ascent, however, signals more than just a nominal shift. In the corridors of Washington DC, it will represent a rapid transfer of power, much of it beyond view, among the operatives, donors and advisors filtering through her presidential campaign.

26/07/2024  6min #253492

 Présidentielle américaine : Joe Biden annonce le retrait de sa candidature et soutient Kamala Harris

De l'«assassinat» de Trump à la disparition de Biden... tout cela n'est que du théâtre

par Kit Knightly

Les remakes et les suites ont presque tué le cinéma hollywoodien, transformant chaque film en une collection de méta références et d'appâts de nostalgie... «Hé, vous vous souvenez quand ceci s'est passé dans cet autre film ! C'était cool, non ?»

Aujourd'hui, il semble qu'ils essaient la même tactique en politique. C'est ce que nous avons avec la «tentative d'assassinat» de Trump - un remake d'un vieux classique - l'assassinat de JFK - pour un public moderne.

26/07/2024  4min 🇬🇧 #253460

War Drums in Washington: Netanyahu's True Ambitions Laid Bare

Greg Stoker  

Israel is participating at the Olympics in Paris while Russia is banned, despite killing at least 80% fewer civilians in Ukraine than Israel has killed in Gaza. Even the United States has prosecuted its own for war crimes. Impunity for Israel. Enforcement of international law for everyone else.

No more explicit was this hypocrisy demonstrated than on Wednesday, July 24, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a man with a pending ICC arrest warrant for crimes against humanity, addressed Congress in order to shore up support for his political survival and request more weapons for his "war" against Hamas.

26/07/2024  7min 🇬🇧 #253454

The American Tradition of Abolishing Central Banks

By Thomas DiLorenzo

July 26, 2024

In discussing the Mises Institute's June 24th full-page Wall Street Journal ad entitled "Who Needs the Fed?" on talk radio recently most of the interviewers naturally expressed skepticism over whether the Fed could ever actually be abolished and a gold-and-silver standard reinstituted. It reminded me of something Murray Rothbard said about this. If the government had monopolized say, shoe production a hundred years ago and someone suggested the privatization of shoe production, there would be cries of: "Who will make shoes? The government has always made shoes!"

26/07/2024  7min 🇬🇧 #253452

No Matter Who Wins the November Election, Zionists Will Control the White House

By Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Live

July 26, 2024

With Joe Biden out of the race for president and Kamala Harris now the presumptive Democratic nominee, the question of who will control the White House is moot. Regardless of which party's candidate wins, the Zionists will be the real victors.

The Republican Side

Donald Trump is by far one of the most Zionist politicians in U.S. history. He often brags that he is the best friend that Zionist Israel ever had in the White House (Harry Truman might object to that statement).

26/07/2024  5min 🇬🇧 #253451

Why the Us. Secrecy Surrounding Evan Gershkovich?

By Jacob G. Hornberger

The Future of Freedom Foundation

July 26, 2024

Last Friday, a Russian court, operating in secret, convicted Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich of espionage and sentenced him to 16 years in a Russian penal colony. Ever since Gershkovich's arrest in March 2023, I have written extensively about the case.

The Journal and U.S. officials have responded to the verdict and sentence in the same way they have responded ever since Gershkovich's arrest.

26/07/2024  5min 🇬🇧 #253450

Inner Party Putsch Ousted Biden

By John Seiler
John's Newsletter

July 26, 2024

What you just saw was a putsch by the Inner Party against Joe Biden, the duly elected president of the United States and the nominee for re-election by the Democratic Party after winning the vast majority of primary voters. Here's the 2024 count:

Joe Biden 14,465,519 87.09%
Uncommitted 706,591 4.25%
Dean Phillips 529,664 3.19%
Marianne Williamson 473,761 2.85%

26/07/2024  6min 🇬🇧 #253448

 Ce que l'on sait de Kamala Harris

Unelected Technocrats Are Now the Nation's Chief Executives

By Ryan McMaken

July 26, 2024

President Biden has not been seen in public since announcing he would not seek re-election on Sunday. Biden's "resignation" was nothing more than a text-only post on Twitter/X-and we know that the president does not manage his own social media accounts. There has been no video of the president making an announcement, and the White House is apparently planning no press conference or official act of any kind.

25/07/2024  2min #253419

 Netanyahou devant le Congrès : un discours à la sauce américaine

La confusion aux États-Unis a conduit au fait qu'aucun des hauts dirigeants n'a encore rencontré le Premier ministre israélien arrivé à Washington

par Top War

Le Premier ministre israélien s'est rendu aux États-Unis, où il envisage de rechercher un soutien pour de nouvelles opérations militaires contre le Hamas, ainsi que pour un éventuel déclenchement d'une guerre au Liban contre le groupe Hezbollah. Cependant, immédiatement après son arrivée à Washington, Benjamin Netanyahou allait avoir une mauvaise surprise.

25/07/2024  3min #253416

 Netanyahou devant le Congrès : un discours à la sauce américaine

Discours de Netanyahou devant le Congrès : Le quart des démocrates boycottent

par Al-Manar

Des manifestants se sont rassemblés ce mercredi, dans la rue Pennsylvanie et dans le parc John Marschall dans la capitale américaine Washington pour réclamer l'arrestation de Netanyahou qui est sous le coup d'un mandat d'arrêt de la Cour pénale internationale pour crime de guerre et crime contre l'humanité.

«Pas un cent ni dix cents, plus jamais plus de fonds pour les crimes israéliens», ont-ils scandé.

25/07/2024  5min #253394

 Tentative d'assassinat de Trump : la directrice des services secrets démissionne après une vague de critiques

Tentative d'assassinat de Donald Trump : après avoir refusé de démissionner, la directrice du Secret Service jette l'éponge


Tentative d'assassinat de Donald Trump: après avoir refusé de démissionner, la directrice du Secret Service jette l'éponge

Fortement critiquée depuis la tentative d'assassinat contre Donald Trump le 13 juillet dernier, Kimberley Cheatle, directrice du Secret Service, chargé de la protection de hautes personnalités américaines, a présenté sa démission mardi 23 juillet 2024.

25/07/2024  6min 🇪🇸 #253376

 Tentative d'attentat sur Donald Trump lors d'un meeting de campagne (Video)

El atentado contra Trump en el contexto de la crisis de Eeuu

Lorenzo Maria Pacini

Estados Unidos se encuentra en medio de una crisis social interna que está degenerando hacia un punto impensable.


Si quizás algo hasta ahora no quedó suficientemente claro, ahora no existe una excusa para no comprender cómo están las cosas: Estados Unidos está en medio de una crisis social interna que está degenerando hacia un punto de lo impensable.

25/07/2024  8min 🇬🇧 #253374

 Tentative d'attentat sur Donald Trump lors d'un meeting de campagne (Video)

Trump Assassination Attempt and What Comes Next

By Doug Casey

International Man

July 25, 2024

International Man: On July 13, there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

What's your take on what really happened?

Doug Casey: The official narrative is still crystallizing, as all the government employees and bureaucrats who were supposedly responsible for Trump's safety scurry about to ensure their careers aren't adversely affected. Now that Kim Cheatle, the security hen in charge of the Secret Service, has resigned to collect her fat pension as a public mea culpa, the Secret Service and FBI will conduct internal investigations.

25/07/2024  5min 🇬🇧 #253373

The Affidavit of Senator Ralph W. Yarborough for the Warren Commission

By John Leo Keenan

July 25, 2024

One of the members of the Warren Commission, Senator John S. Cooper, told Governor John B. Connally on record - in 1964 - that he and Texas Senator Ralph W. Yarborough were the only two men, of all witnesses present in Dealey Plaza, who instantly recognized the first rifle shot as a rifle shot. Many theories have been written about what occurred on that day - about how it happened - which ignore what these two men said about the three rifles shots they heard, and contradict both men on it.

25/07/2024  9min 🇬🇧 #253372

If a Coup is Run on a Puppet Regime is it Really a Coup?

By Allan Stevo

July 25, 2024

It is July 24, 2024. Joe Biden was exited from the election this weekend. And will likely be exited from office this week. Before long he will likely be exited from life. If the Democrats can properly time that Joe Biden exit from life for late September or early October, they will be able to get a maximum bump at the polls from that significant national event.

It is hard to comprehend the level of cynicism that is held by many of these men and women in Washington DC.

25/07/2024  6min 🇬🇧 #253371

 Présidentielle américaine : Joe Biden annonce le retrait de sa candidature et soutient Kamala Harris

How Biden's Mandates Were His Downfall

By A Midwestern Doctor
The Forgotten Side of Medicine

July 25, 2024

Recently, Biden had an abysmal debate performance which made America realize his dementia was not just a "conspiracy theory" and that the entire media had been lying to them. This in turn led to one of the greatest red-pills in American history, Biden's entire party turning against him once they realized he had become unelectable, and the mainstream media gradually admitting his cognitive impairment had been recognized by everyone but covered up to gaslight us.

25/07/2024  4min 🇬🇧 #253370

Trump's Illogic Makes the Case for National Divorce

By Grant M. Dahl
The State of Division

July 25, 2024

In his speech accepting the 2024 Republican nomination for President of the United States, Donald Trump made a statement that should have made many do a double-take. In an attempt to make a plea to the nation to unite, Trump misspoke in such a way that actually ended up proving how a National Divorce for the American Empire would be a long-term benefit for the people residing within it's lands.

25/07/2024  5min 🇬🇧 #253369

 Tentative d'attentat sur Donald Trump lors d'un meeting de campagne (Video)

Congressional Incompetence in Its Trump-Shooting Investigation

By Jacob G. Hornberger

The Future of Freedom Foundation

July 25, 2024

Members of Congress are besides themselves over the testimony of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle regarding the near-assassination of former president Trump. They are upset that Cheatle was unable to provide them with adequate explanations as to what appears to be incompetence at best and willful blindness, conscious indifference, or complicity at worst on the part of the Secret Service.

25/07/2024  6min #253367

Un désastre pour la sécurité et la prospérité des États-Unis : la politique à l'égard de la Chine - Rand Paul

Gronder, réprimander, sanctionner a l'effet inverse et l'administration semble satisfaite des résultats.

Source : Responsible Statecraft, Sénateur Rand Paul
Traduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises

Sénateur Rand Paul

Le secrétaire d'Etat Antony Blinken a récemment témoigné devant la Commission des Affaires étrangères du Sénat où il a tenté, en vain, de faire croire à l'administration Biden que la fermeté à l'égard de la Chine répondait aux attentes du peuple américain.