14/05/2022 lewrockwell.com  2 min 🇬🇧 #208119

Why Funding Ukraine Is Just Dead Wrong

Quietly, thoughtlessly, and ominously, America is sleepwalking towards a nuclear war.

Two weeks ago, the Biden Administration asked Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. But in a divided Washington, the Uniparty has united in agreement that $33 billion is not enough. On Monday, Republicans and Democrats in Congress struck a deal to send Ukraine $40 billion in aid. Leaders unveiled the bill text on Tuesday, and voted on it within hours.

The bill raced through the House in the dark of night, with unanimous Democratic support. Of course, the phony left-populist poser Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her "Squad" were on board. Republican support was overwhelming as well, but a few members did bravely stand against the tide.

They were 57 strong.

Full List Of The 57 Republicans That Voted Against The Democrats America Last $40 Billion Foreign Aid Package For Ukraine

Matt Gaetz led the charge.

Just a year ago, we lost a war against goat herders waving rifles. Members of Congress are now recklessly asserting that we are at war with Russia.
If we are at war, then why not vote on an AUMF?
We are sleepwalking into a war, and the American people are left in the dark.

MTG was right there alongside him.

In the America LAST $40 BILLION Ukraine FIRST bill that we are voting on tonight, there is authorization for funds to be given to the CIA for who knows what and who knows how much?
But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!
In the America LAST $40 BILLION Ukraine FIRST bill that we are voting on tonight, there is authorization for funds to be given to the CIA for who knows what and who knows how much?
But NO BABY FORMULA for American mothers!

On the other side, Nancy Pelosi wants to take food out of her neighbor's mouths to buy weapons of war from Ukraine. Forget the babies who can't get baby formula thanks to the federal government's  shenanigans.

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