22/09/2022 3 articles threadreaderapp.com  3 min 🇬🇧 #215863

New Investigation by Fa and @alhaq_org's Fai Unit into the 11 May extrajudicial killing of Shireen Abu Akleh

NEW Investigation by FA and  @alhaq_org's FAI Unit into the 11 May extrajudicial killing of Shireen Abu Akleh uses previously unseen footage provided by  @AJArabic and advanced spatial and audio analysis to reveal conclusive evidence. Full investigation:  bit.ly 1/9

#1. Shireen and her colleagues were clearly identifiable as press. Our field of vision analysis simulating the view from the IOF marksman's rifle scope both optically and digitally shows the legibility of the journalists' 'PRESS' vests as they were targeted. 2/9


#2. Shireen and her colleagues were deliberately and repeatedly targeted. Our analysis of the shots' impact points confirms their close proximity to one another, indicating precise and careful aim. All shots were fired above the shoulders, revealing an intent to kill. 3/9

Our audio analysis confirms that the IOF fired 16 individual shots over 3 distinct rounds of shooting at Shireen, her colleagues, and a civilian trying to provide medical aid. 4/9

#3. Visual analysis, sound analysis, and witness testimony all confirm that there were NO other persons present between the journalists and the convoy of military vehicles at the time of the incident. 5/9

The shots fired at Shireen and her colleagues came from a hole in the side of an armoured military vehicle where the marksman sat protected and at a distance. 6/9

No other shots in any of the footage analysed came from the vicinity of the journalists. The only shots fired in the 3 minutes preceding the shooting of Shireen came from the IOF's position, confirming there was no exchange of fire. 7/9

#4. Our video, audio, and spatial analysis ALL confirm that while attempting to provide aid to Shireen, a civilian on scene was shot at each time he attempted to reach her & entered the line of sight/fire of the shooter. Shireen was thus deliberately denied medical attention. 8/9

This investigation by FA and  @alhaq_org is the first to employ a precise digital reconstruction of the incident. Our findings will be an addendum to a complaint to the  @IntlCrimCourt submitted by Shireen's family and colleagues this morning (20 September) at the Hague. 9/9



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22/09/2022 mondialisation.ca  6 min #215924

New Investigation by Fa and @alhaq_org's Fai Unit into the 11 May extrajudicial killing of Shireen Abu Akleh

Cjpmo : Avec des preuves toujours plus nombreuses de la responsabilité israélienne, le Canada doit soutenir une enquête de la Cpi sur le meurtre de Shireen Abu Akleh


Montréal, le 22 septembre 2022 - Les Canadiens pour la justice et la paix au Moyen-Orient (CJPMO) réaffirment leur appel pour que le Canada soutienne une enquête de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) sur le meurtre de la journaliste chevronnée d'Al-Jazeera, Shireen Abu Akleh, au milieu de preuves croissantes et accablantes de la responsabilité israélienne.