28/01/2023 14 articles lewrockwell.com  5min 🇬🇧 #223148

Hidden Camera Uncovers Pfizer Creepiness

By  Tom Woods

January 28, 2023

From the  Tom Woods Letter:

When the full story of Covid, the shots, the mandates, all of it, is someday told, it will not flatter Big Science (BS).

Project Veritas just released a new video, this one featuring a Jordon Trishton Walker, director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at Pfizer.

Now maybe the guy is a loon and nothing he says is trustworthy. I'm simply reporting to you what he said.

What he said is damaging enough, though, that the army of Americans who have televisions for brains immediately questioned whether he really held the position that Project Veritas said he did. That attempt was a dead end, since it's been verified that  he is indeed the the person he and Project Veritas both claim he is.

Here's a sample of what Walker says in the hidden-camera video.

First, the off-camera Project Veritas person asks, "Pfizer ultimately is thinking about mutating COVID?"

Walker responds:

Well, that is not what we say to the public, no. So that's why it was a thought that came up in a meeting. And we were like, why do we not? It was like, we're going to consider that with more discussions. That exactly, actually. We were like, wait a minute, people won't like that. Don't tell anyone this, by the way. You have to promise you won't tell anyone. [Smiles].... We're exploring, like, you know how the virus keeps mutating? Well, one of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it ourselves so we can preemptively develop new vaccines? So we have to do that.

If we're going to do that, though, there's a risk of like - as you could imagine, no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating ****ing viruses. Like, do we want to do this? So that's like one of the things we're considering, like the future. Like maybe we could, like, create new versions of the vaccines and things like that.

So the way they were thinking about - don't tell anyone, you've got to promise you won't tell anyone? You've got to promise you won't tell anyone, okay? [Smiles and laughs] So the way it would work is like we put the virus in these monkeys, and then we successively like cause them to keep infecting each other. And we collect serial samples from them, and then the ones that are more infectious, to like the virus, we'll put them in another monkey and just constantly actively mutate it. That's one way.

Or you can even do like directed, like simulation, which we tend not to prefer. And then you just sample what the different proteins on the surface of the virus look like over time. So then you can see the mutation. You can now force it to mutate in a certain way you want it. But you have to be like very controlled to make sure that this virus that you mutate doesn't create something like, you know, just goes everywhere. Which is suspect, by the way, is the way the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. Like it makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere.

The Project Veritas person says this all sounds like gain-of-function research. Walker says no:

It's definitely not gain of function. Directed evolution is very different.... You're not supposed to do gain-of-function research with viruses. They'd rather we not. But we do things like selected structural mutations to try and see if we can make them more potent. So there there is research ongoing about that. I don't know how that's going to work. There'd better not be any more outbreaks.

Walker confirms what we already knew about the revolving door between government and industry:

It is a revolving door for all government officials. For any industry. So like in the pharma industry, all the government officials who like, you know, review our drugs, eventually come work for pharma companies. And the military, all the Army and defense government officials eventually go work for the defense companies afterwards.It's pretty good for the industry, to be honest. It's bad for everyone else in America.

And why is it bad?

Because if the regulators, who have to approve our drugs, know that once they stop being a regulator, you know, they want to go work for the company, they're not going to be as harsh on the company where they're getting their job.

Again, I'm just telling you what the man said.

We have a company on our hands about whom we may not say an unkind word on a platform like YouTube, or we will be silenced.

This is a company that, in tandem with government, sought to destroy the livelihoods of people who declined to consume its product.

And yet, dear reader, remember that although they haven't been fully defeated, they couldn't keep up the tyranny the way they wanted. Too many of us refused, and the tyranny crumbled.

The guiding idea behind the Tom Woods School of Life, which reopens for more members late next week, is that even in very unhappy and inauspicious times, we can still flourish and prosper. I've built the best community in the world inside that program - no defeatists, no whiners. Just doers, and winners.

In the meantime, watch the best speech I've ever given - and if you as a businessman, entrepreneur, or would-be entrepreneur implement what you hear in it, it will be the most lucrative video you ever watch.

Get it here:


 The Best of Tom Woods


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Capture d'écran Twitter / Project Veritas

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